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Ten good factors franchise-chain brings
2007-11-23 16:57:27

(1) The Franchise Chain is a short way for investors lacking experience to succeed in their undertakings.

  (2) Leaguers may receive systemic managing trainings and instructions.

  (3) Leaguers may obtain stable qualities of products, credible brand and production services.

  (4) Benefiting from the famous brand

  (5) Leaguers may reduce the cost through concentrative purchase thanks to the uniform technical support of product.

  (6) Selecting a best site for the store depending on rich experiences the headquarters has.

  (7) Since it is a famous brand, expenditure on advertising may be reduced for leaguers.

  (8) Leaguers can make profits as soon as they join the chain, for the decoration sample is ready- made.

  (9) Leaguers may receive sustaining technical support and after services.

  (10) Leaguers himself as the boss may be strongly supported by the company, fully enjoying the feeling of success.

For the record number 08015045